

Saturday, November 27, 2010


German school gunman 'kills 15'

K: I am doing an interview. Can I ask you some questions?
T: sure
K: Have you heard the news that a 17 years old German teen killed 15 people?
T: yes, I have
K: Do you feel that is terrible?
T: Is it terrible? No, it's great, it's not terrible, it's horrible.
K: What do you think of the new?
T: I think it's sad. I think more people should do voice about that.
K: What do you think of the boy?
T: The boy? He killed many friends, you know it's sad, I feel bad for him.
K: If he was you, what would you do?
T: If he was me? I killed 15 people? I don't know if I killed 15 people. I would run.
K: If you were his parent what would you feel?
T: Very bad, I feel like I missed a opportunity to help my son.
K: Do you think he was regretful of killing many people?
T: Do I think he was regretful? probably not. No, I don't think he was regreted about what he did.
K: Who would you blame this mistake on?
T: I think it's everyone's mistake.

                                                                                                                          K= me(Karry)
                                                                                                                          T= my friend